Suitable Resources for at Home Learning (Printables)

I have had a few people ask what resources I have that are suitable for at-home learning with minimal prep or additional explanation for parents.

'Busy work' sheets are something I hate and you won't find any of them in this list. The following activities and worksheets are meaningful and still continue to educate your students.

Punctuation Worksheets from Punctuation Pack

These pages include a definition for each punctuation mark and then questions that increase in difficulty as students go down the page.

Grammar Worksheet from Grammar Pack

These pages are similar in style to the Punctuation worksheets, just for grammar.

Mental Maths Timed Maths Sheets (Version 1 and 2)

Students set a 2-minute timer and answer as many questions as they can. The next day they start from where they left off and see if they can answer more questions then the day before in the same time-frame. You can send home the answer key or have students check their answers on a calculator.

Dinosaur Reading Comprehension Texts from the Dinosaur Pack

The comprehension texts in the dinosaur pack are of high interest. Students simply read the text then answer the questions.

NAPLAN Revision Quizzes

Even though these say NAPLAN, they are just revision of all the maths, grammar and spelling concepts for Year 3 and 5.

Spelling Grids

Use one spelling grid each week for students to use with any spelling list you send home for them.

Zombie Writing Prompts/ Deserted Island Writing Prompts

These are a very engaging way for students to write a long novel. Give one prompt a day or one a week.

Problem Solving Worksheets

The problem-solving package includes a worksheet for each of the strategies. These can be easily made into a booklet for students.

Cut and Paste Mental Maths Sorts Range

Less prep then their coloured counterparts, they can be a fun at-home activity. Students can cut them up and use them each day, storing them in a zip lock bag. They can time themselves each day to see if they can improve on their times. At the end of the week, they can glue it down.

Report Writing Question Prompts- Animals, People & Places!

This is a great way to get students to report home. Pick if you want them to do an animal, people or place. Give them a copy of the resource sheet and then print the prompt pages, with 6 to a page, to guide students in their research. Please note, students would need to have information books at home or access to the internet.

War Memorial Project

Students investigate memorials before designing their own war memorial. They then create a model of it and then reflect on the process. Great for students to understand why we have memorials and gain a basic understanding of past wars.

Teaching and Learning Strategies and Templates/Proformas

The proformas and templates can be used in a range of ways. There are many great ones that will go with any text students have at home.
The great thing about ALL of these resources is that they come with answer keys. You could send them home with the students for parents to use, or use to make marking easier when all the work comes back.


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